The RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks) House

Do you know how many RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks) might be in your household? Our animation gives you a first impression. From tree care in the garden to chimney renovation, we have managed to fit in over 100 of the approximately 150 RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks).
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RAL Quality Marks Compact

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RAL Quality Assurance System

RAL quality assurance provides consumers and industry, especially public and private clients, with security based on a system organised under private law: You can expect solid and trustworthy products and services offering a consistently high level of quality from this labelling system.

RAL Quality Marks in 80 Seconds

In a jungle of numerous labels, RAL quality marks serve as a reliable orientation aid for consumers, companies and the public sector alike. They are guides to products and services from almost all areas of life that convince through quality, safety and reliability.