Invitations to tender from A-Z
Bidder eligibility
The Quality Assurance and Test Specifications that are valid for issuing a RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Mark) cover all relevant characteristics of a product or service. This also includes, for example, requirements for the reliability, performance capabilities and expertise of the suppliers. It is for this reason that awarding authorities can safely draw on the Quality Assurance and Test Specifications as criteria for ascertaining the bidder's eligibility, as well as accepting the relevant RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Mark) as proof that these standards have been met.
Bids from foreign companie
Foreign companies are free to acquire RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks). Just like for every other company, the prerequisite is the complete fulfilment of the Quality Assurance and Test Specifications. There are currently companies from around 30 countries across the world that offer their products or services with RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks). Clauses governing the offer of products and services and cost efficiency. RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks) embody characteristics such as durability, specialist personnel or reliable customer services. This fulfils this clause for public invitations to tender.
Equal treatment clause
Public invitations to tender based on the RAL Quality Assurance System are also open to bidders that do not hold any RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks). The prerequisite is that these companies fully comply with the specifications and verify their compliance through a test certificate. The difference is that RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks) represent constant proof of this level of quality due to the continuous monitoring of the Quality Assurance and Test Specifications. In contrast, test certificates need to be newly completed for every invitation to tender.
EU Directives
An EU Directive (2014/24/EU) that came into force in 2014 confirmed that public authorities can utilise quality marks when they want to purchase construction services or other products and services.
Companies that hold a RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Mark) constantly monitor their adherence with the Quality Assurance and Test Specifications. Furthermore, regular checks are also carried out by independent testing institutes. This ensures that the high quality standards associated with RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks) are permanently maintained.
Non-discrimination clause
Public invitations to tender based on the RAL quality assurance system completely fulfil this requirement because the Quality Assurance and Test Specifications are defined by RAL in consensus with indepeendent institutions such as the German Federal and State Ministries, industry associations, consumer organisations and testing institutes. This excludes the possibility of any preferential treatment of or discrimination against individual market participants.
Quality Assurance Associations
RAL Quality Assurance Associations represent a group of companies that use the RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Mark) for a specific type of product or service. Amongst other things, they award the RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Mark), monitor adherence with the Quality Assurance and Test Specifications and penalise any infringements.
Quality Assurance and Test Specifications
The constant fulfilment of the Quality Assurance and Test Specifications is the prerequisite for issuing RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks) to products and services. Adherence with these specifications is regularly monitored by those holding the RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Mark) and also by independent institutions. The Quality Assurance and Test Specifications comply with the important clauses found in German public procurement law – such as the non-discrimination clause, the equal treatment clause and the transparency clause.
RAL Quality Assurance System
The RAL quality assurance system describes the entire process that is associated with the creation of a RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Mark): From the foundation of a RAL Quality Assurance Association, the development of the Quality Assurance and Test Specifications and their monitoring through to awarding the RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Mark).
Rationalisation effect
The Quality Assurance and Test Specifications cover all relevant characteristics of a product or service. They do not only include e.g. the technical performance specifications but also requirements for the reliability, performance capabilities and expertise of the suppliers. It is for this reason that awarding authorities can safely draw on the Quality Assurance and Test Specifications as criteria for ascertaining a bidder's eligibility and their fulfilment of the technical specifications, as well as accepting the relevant RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Mark) as proof that these standards have been met.
RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks) represent particularly reliable and trustworthy labels. The reason for this is the constant monitoring to which those companies holding the RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Mark) submit themselves. The awarding authority can thus be certain that RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks) stand for characteristics such as efficiency, environmental compatibility, safety, customer orientation and specialist personnel.
Requirements of the German Regulation on the Award of Public Contracts
The German Regulation on the Award of Public Contracts (Vergabeverordnung) sets strict limits on public invitations to tender. This is particularly true when it comes to the transparency of the invitations to tender, non-discrimination and equal treatment for bidders, clauses governing the offer of products and services and cost efficiency, as well as taking into account the interests of small and medium-sized companies.
Small and medium-sized companies
Public invitations to tender based on the RAL Quality Assurance System protect the interests of small and medium-sized companies because it is these companies in particular that often use RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks).
Technical specifications
As the Quality Assurance and Test Specifications cover all relevant characteristics of a product or service, this also naturally includes the technical specifications. It is for this reason that awarding authorities can safely draw on the Quality Assurance and Test Specifications as criteria for ascertaining the fulfilment of the technical specifications, as well as accepting the relevant RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Mark) as proof that these standards have been met.
Tender documents
Quality Assurance Associations, whose RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks) are particularly relevant to public authorities, provide these authorities with support, for example, in the form of suggestions for the formulation of the invitation to tender or with concrete performance specifications.
Public authorities can utilise the RAL Quality Assurance System both above and below the contractual threshold values set for the invitation to tender. The relative size of the contract is crucial in deciding whether the invitation to tender is subject to just national public procurement law or is also additionally subject to European procurement law. Foreign companies have exactly the same access to RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks) as German companies.
RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Marks) are only issued to products or services once they have fulfilled the relevant Quality Assurance and Test Specifications These specifications are developed for each RAL Gütezeichen (Quality Mark) in a broad-based public approval process. They are then subsequently published by RAL and accessible to anybody.