The RAL Quality Mark for Expertise in Eating Properly from the Quality Assurance Association for Nutritional Expertise stands for healthy and tasty food in the communal catering sector. It signals in a neutral, independent and transparent way that the companies are obligated to produce their range of meals in accordance with special quality criteria. In addition, it places special requirements on the personnel who work in the companies or the hospitals and schools.
Hospitals who offer meals based on the requirements of the RAL quality assurance system must employ at least one specialist who is qualified as a dietician or nutritionist. Alternatively, the com-panies can also employ a graduate in ecotrophology (Dipl., M.Sc., B.Sc.) or someone with a similar degree that is recognised according to the framework agreement for quality assurance in nutrition-al counselling and nutritional education in Germany. In contrast, schools must employ at least one specialist who is a chef or has training in the home economics sector.
In addition, the criteria for the award of the quality mark include a requirement for the regular training of personnel so that they are kept fully up to date with nutritional science at all times. Em-ployees in hospitals have to acquire 16 training points and employees in schools 12 training points on themes related to nutrition and food safety regulations within a period of 2 years. These specific requirements placed on companies by the RAL quality assurance system guarantee that the range of food they offer has a consistently high level of quality.