The RAL Quality Mark for Timber Frame House Construction stands for uniform quality standards for timber frame house construction by both skilled craftsmen and industrial companies. The tech-nical criteria in the Quality Assurance and Test Specifications range from requirements placed on the companies themselves through to installation guidelines and thus guarantee comprehensive and high technical standards.
To ensure the professional production of timber framed houses and their components, the com-panies must demonstrate that they have, among other things, a suitable production hall for the production of components irrespective of the weather conditions and suitable machines, equip-ment and facilities for the professional installation of the building components. In addition, the companies must guarantee that all of the building components are appropriately stored. In order to ensure that the components are then professionally installed, the companies in the Quality Assur-ance Association also have to comply with other requirements: For example, they must have suita-ble machines, equipment, tools and vehicles for the proper transport and professional installation of the components and they must ensure the use of professional lifting equipment including cross beams and safety devices, to name just a few of the requirements. In this way, the award criteria ensure that the level of quality in the factory and on the construction site cannot be called into question at any time.